Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mother's Day

Mother's day was sad.
My MIL was in heaven, and my Mom was in Georgia visiting my brother. My FIL came here for a visit to see his mom.
I ended up making a chicken and sausage gumbo. And cleaning my own house. What's up with that!!!
It is Mother's day darnit. I should be pampered and not have to lift a finger...... Sorry, I was just dreaming. Here in the real world Mother's day = "do your job" day.
Any way, Thank you,God for making me a Mother.
Thank you God for giving me a Mother.
Thank you God for giving me a MIL.
I did get a diamond cross pendant(which has lost a diamond already) and a Cappuchino Blast. WOOO HOOO!

Monday, May 5, 2008

It would seem that being a Christian is not always goodness and light.
I am being attacked. And I have done nothing wrong.
My childhood friend, C, whom my whole group of childhood friends have been looking for for the last 20+ years has finally been found.
I have been talking to him on myspace...everything platonic and on the up and up. We have been talking about our lives since we last saw each other. Mostly talking about our families and our pets. There was a mention about a first kiss in the garage. But really everything on the up and up. My husband was fully aware of everything that was mentioned. I even read the emails to him. We had conversations about meeting at the park with our families and possibly going out to eat as a group.

All of that said, I got a really nasty email from his GF yesterday. Fabricating some romantic connection that does not exist. I responded in a christian way that if I said anything to her that offended her I am sorry, but I didn't do anything wrong.
Let me just say that she was blaming me for everything that had ever gone wrong ever in there relationship. Even so far as to call my character into question....almost calling me a harlot.

My husband even gave C a call to sort this out.
They talked and it appears that she did fabricate a "relationship" between us. DUH!!!!! I told her that.
I only wanted to be friends with both of them. But they have bigger fish to fry than me.
I pray that they are able to work through whatever it is that they have causing strife between them.
I reiterate "I AM NOT AFTER YOUR MAN" so do not attack me. I have never attacked you, nor do I have any intentions of doing so.
If C feels that he can no longer talk to me than that is his choice. I only ever wanted a friendship. He is not my "Childhood Crush". I still see him in my mind as a troubled little kid making mud pies in my front yard. At this point I am not sure if being friends with him is worth all of this hassle.
Anyway, I am done venting.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

List of gratitude

Sometimes I feel like this blog has become a "bitch-fest" please forgive me. I don't always feel this way. Life has been challenging lately.
I guess I should post more on the things that make me happy, or make a gratitude list.

I am grateful for.....

My Husband
My children
My Mother
My Mother in Law(now passed)
My grandmother
My Mimi
My Bestemama
My Aunts... all 5 of them
and the rest of my family
a place to live
food to eat
money to survive
money to splurge
money to save
money to pay bills
money to .....whatever
a comfortable bed
a sweet dog
a sweet bird
a computer
a recliner
knitting needles
crochet hooks
donated yarn
that my husband has a job
that I can school my children
that my children are safe
that I still have my health
that my family still has their health
that my MIL is no longer suffering
a flea comb
flea medicine
school materials
a bathroom sink that is unclogged
that my identity is still intact...I pray
that my body can still function
that I still have all of my faculties
my earings
my wedding ring
that my husband still wants me
that I still want my husband
that my husband has quite a few years off of drugs(5ish)
that we had places to go when Katrina demolished our city.
that we had food to eat
that we didn't lose anyone
that we didn't lose our home
that I still have my hair
for the grays-I have earned them
for the wrinkles-aging gracefully(I HOPE)
that my children are good kids
that I even had children
that they are boys
my stepdaughter
that she is still alive
that she didn't do me in...
that she is an adult
my step dad-Bigfoot
my extended family
my father in law
my sister in law
her family
all of my brothers and sisters
my friends
her family
that I have people who give me clothes
that I have a church
that I have my faith
that I have hope
that I have love
that I have comfort
that I have relief
that I have strength
that I have peace
that I have knowledge
that I have wisdom
that I have discernment
that I have energy
that I have health
that I have God
that I have Jesus
that I have life
that I was able to give life
that I am able to see and know those lives
that I am able to love those around me
that I can forgive, many times over
that I can be forgiven
that I can dream
that I have all of my senses
that I know love
that someone loves me
that I am able to make things for people who have less
that I don't live in a third world country
that I can be proud to be an American
for our soldiers
for those who have fought/given life/limb/sanity for my freedom
God blesses America
God blesses me and my family

This is a long gratitude list...I could continue, but I think I could be here all night.
Thank you, God- for everything.
Your daughter