Monday, October 20, 2008

Pissing and moaning

Lord help me!
I don't know if I am in a funk because my husband and youngest boy went out of town for three days or if I am loosing my mind.
Yesterday I snapped at my mother about going to drop off 8 bags of clothes at the thrift store. I had a decent time, but didn't manage to look at much for myself, since oldest boy was ready to go. Sure he was ready to go after I shopped for him for 45 min.
Then this morning he pissed and moaned about the clothes that HE picked out.
Schooling was a disaster. I have been dealing with disrespect and laziness all day.
I have had to leave the room 4 times just so they didn't get the crap beat out of them. Yeah sure it must be the "teen angst" that I am dealing with, but why do I have to be the brunt of all of the worlds evil.
I am not the cause of everyone's troubles, just like any one person is the cause of mine.
I have taken it to God, multiple times. I am just not sure if I can hack this homeschooling thing anymore. My level of anxiety is at its top most level. I am having nightmares and chest pains with muscle tension, almost to the point of wanting to pack my stuff and leave. Just to get away from this everlasting misery.
Maybe I am depressed? But I am not taking a dang thing for it. I ususally have someone to talk to, a best friend, but she has been soooo busy with her own problems that we just don't talk anymore. I really miss her. And maybe I am loosing her. Or maybe it is just the season.....I don't think I even know what I am doing anymore.
Maybe I should reserve a bed in the nut house!
Or maybe I could just hang on one more day and pray that God sees fit to fix these things...or not.
Why bother! Now I am just pissing and moaning about crap that I have created.
So what now?

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