Saturday, April 25, 2009

eco friendly women's care products

I am making my own pads. Why not, I make just about everything else. (Recycled)
Many Moons has a pattern on their site to do just that. Or you can order pads from them.
I have made a few, but I am still tweaking it. Read the directions CAREFULLY!


Anonymous said...

I have been tempted by sewn hand-made pads in the past, but I am more of a knitter.

There is a great picture of a knitted pad on the website of the Menstruation Museum of Norway. (Or at least there was a few years ago.)
So I've been waiting until I had acquired a stash of appropriate yarn. (Got the idea from a long thread a few years ago on


Anonymous said...

(This comment may arrive twice.)

I have been tempted by sewn hand-made pads in the past, but I am more of a knitter.

There is a great picture of a knitted pad on the website of the Menstruation Museum of Norway. (Or at least there was a few years ago.)
So I've been waiting until I had acquired a stash of appropriate yarn. (Got the idea from a long thread a few years ago on
