Monday, February 12, 2007

Points on homeschooling

I would like to thank those who appreciate what I do as a Christian home schooler, for their support.
Now we get to those who are against/don't understand what it is I do as a home schooler.
Let me break it down for you-
---God led me to this, He is the #1 reason why.
---Next to God and my husband, my children are the most important thing that God has entrusted to my care. They are MY responsibility.
---Public schools are a Joke! E.D.P.S. has some Blacks who are racist. I AM NOT SAYING THAT ALL BLACKS ARE RACIST OR THAT MOST BLACKS ARE RACIST. I am saying some of the Blacks that my children encountered in "one" particular Public school were extremely racist and downright cruel and mean. I find this a very dangerous situation for my children.
---Public school teachers were unable to give my children the time or the quality education that I know they can get one on one, from ME!
---I am able to monitor and modify certain unwanted behaviors here at home that I have no control over while they are in the mainstream.
---I am able to teach them about Our Lord "ALL DAY IF I WANT TO"
---Our physical school day is only about 3 hours of intense one on one tutoring per day. We often have days when we go on field trips,where they learn about the practical side of life, IE..the grocery store.
---I choose to be with my children 24 hours a day. (Not always easy, but I love them) We still have friends and visitors. We also have lives outside of school.
---They still retain relations with old friends, but I get to choose which ones.
---I am able to make up for all that they missed in school, like learning how to read! Yeah go figure.
I can go on for days but I think ultimately, either you are for or against homeschooling. That is not really my place to change your opinion. I have just stated facts for ours. Classroom schooling by a TEACHER was not always the "NORM". Many of our Presidents and greatest Americans were homeschooled. Some by the McGuffey Readers that are God based and that I currently use. did we ever survive without the public school prison system?
Hmmmm....Could this current system be the problem?
To quote Forrest Gump "That's all I have to say about that!"

As for me and my family we serve the Lord!

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