1. What time did you get up this morning? 8:30
2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
Ghost rider, Cage's body is in really great shape
4. What is your favorite TV show? Gilmore Girls
5. What do you usually have for breakfast?
Oatmeal, or banana, Copious amounts of Coffee!!!!!!!!!!!
WHERE DID 6 go???
(maybe 6 is afraid of 7, because 7 , 8, 9.....hahahaha!)
7. What is your middle name? Ann
8. What food do you dislike? Ketchup,cauliflour
9. What is your favorite CD at the moment?
I have been on a Classical kick lately, on tape of all things.
10. What kind of car do you drive?
What is driving? Oh, you crazy kids with your new fangled ideas!
11. Favorite sandwich? anything with chicken
12. What characteristic do you despise?
Big fat LIARS!!!!!! And skinny ones too!!!!!!!!
13. Favorite item of clothing? cool socks, and sweaters
14. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go?
15. What color is your bathroom? a way to bright peach and mint green tile,
sage green slate tile on the floor, that I am in love with.
16. Favorite brand of clothing? no fave brand, It has to be comfortable
17. Where would you retire to? the country, maybe Vacherie or someplace slightly wooded.
18. What was your most recent memorable birthday? My 21st, I had my son 2 days after, whew that was interesting.
19. Favorite sport to watch? does knit or crochet count??
20. Furthest place you are sending this? Florida
21. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? Bigfoot
22. Person you expect to send it back first? Mom
23. Favorite saying? "Come the **** on Bridget!"
24. When is your birthday? 7/8 **
25. Are you a morning person or a night person?
Night person, always have been, ask my Mom.
26. What is your shoe size? 6 1/2
27. Pets? Husband , Kids, 2 birds, 1 Maggie(my baby-dog)
28. Any exciting news you'd like to share with us?
We are still alive, we made it through another day of homeschooling!
29. What did you want to be when you were little?
A Mommy, What the heck was I thinking??????
30. How are you today?
Ask me tomorrow the verdict is still out on that one.
31. What is your favorite candy? Heath bar
32. What is your favorite flower?
Lilly of the valley, we have snow bells in the garden
and they are really close but no smell.
33. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to?
I am not even sure what day it is anymore, they all run together!
34. What are you listening to right now?
My husband fussing my son about fussing at my baby Maggie. ( see 27)
35. What was the last thing you ate? A taco salad
36. Do you wish on stars? No, but don't we always say the
star light poem when we see that first star?
37. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Cerulean Blue
38. How is the weather right now?
I wish it would rain, I have a garden that I am too lazy to water today.
But I guess over all it is really nice.
39. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Mimi
41. Favorite soft drink? COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE!
42. Favorite restaurant? The Cabin, in Burnside, La.
43. Hair color? brown with redish highlights
44. Sibling? Robert, Charles, Fred, Eric, Amanda, Kristina, Kenny, Doug, Sarah, Matt, Ryan, August, and another one that I don't know and have never met. I guess that is all so far. 13
45. Favorite day of the year? Christmas
46. What was your favorite toy as a child? Baby Beth
47 Summer or Winter? Winter ,I get to wear sweaters, scarves, hats and socks,
I can even use blankets.....Wooooohooooooo!
48. Hugs or kisses? I am not very touchy feely, 3 feet of personal space unless I approach you please!!! Hugs I guess.
49. Coffee or tea? Duh, COFFEE
50. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla or Coffee
51. You have to go 3 blocks, walk or drive? Walk
52. When was the last time you cried?
Everyday! It is good to cry, even at commercials!
53. What is under your bed?
A monster, he eats shoes and poops dust bunnies.
Am I the only one who has to run and jump to get in?
54. Who is the friend you have had the longest?
Becky S. Who now resides in FL. She had great Barbies
55. What did you do last night?
knit, laundry, cry to hubby about the kids. Same thing every day.
56. Favorite smell? Vanilla, or coffee, night blooming jasmine
57. What are you afraid of? bugs touching me, snakes, and newts....eeewww!
58. Salty or sweet? I like salty, but sweet is a good chaser
59. How many keys on your key ring? too many
60. How many years at your current job? Spouse-15 years, Mother 10, teacher 1
61. Favorite day of the week? Friday, that is when the creepy shows come on the travel channel.
62. How many towns have you lived in? Seems like a whole bunch, I guess about 8 or maybe 9.
63. Do you make friends easily? I guess, most people freak me out.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Have you ever been to New Orleans?
This is an email that was sent to me. The author is unknown. The sentiment is real. If you have ever been a part of New Orleans as I am, you would understand. We are a different breed of people. Not that we are better just different. Our culture and family are very imporant to us. The food is unique. We are unique.
Come and visit us before you write us off the map. WE ARE STILL HERE!!!!!!!!
New Orleans
New Orleans. How wonderful those words sound when said with no quirky
emphasis on odd syllables. They always seem to elicit some response. Have
you been there?
Have you ever been to Café Du Monde for beignets and café au lait and gone
back every morning of your visit? Have you ever sat for hours in the piano
bar at Pat O'Brien's sipping hurricanes? Have you ever been to Mardi Gras -
Bacchus? Endymion? Rex? Have you ever had oysters at the Acme House? Have
you ever sat out on the "fly" eating crawfish and drinking Dixie beer?
Have you ever taken a walking tour of the Garden District? Have you ever
sung karaoke at Cat's Meow? Do you know who John Folse is? Have you ever
risen at 6am to roam the streets of a "quiet" French Quarter? Have you ever
been to Galatoire's? K-Paul's? Emeril's? Can you remember when Zulu threw
gold-painted coconuts? Have you ever ridden the street-car down St.Charles
Avenue secretly sipping your strawberry daiquiri?
Have you ever had
a mint julep on the porch of The Columns Hotel? Have you ever been to
Audubon Park? City Park? Have you ever been to mass at the St. Louis
Do you know who Harry Connick, Sr is? Have you ever had breakfast at
Brennan's? Have you ever been to the original Tipitina's? Have you ever been
to the Superdome? Saint's game? Sugar Bowl? Super Bowl? Final Four? Have you
ever had cheese fries at Fat Harry's? Thrown peanuts on the floor at
O'Henry's? Have you ever been to the Rendon Inn? Can you remember the New
Orleans World's Fair?
Have you ever been to the campuses of Tulane and Loyola? Have you been to a
crawfish boil? Sucked the heads? Have you ever been "on the lake"? "Across
the lake"? To the "west bank"? Have you had a Ferdi from Mother's and
wondered what "debris" was? Have you ever been an unexpected invitee to a
jazz funeral? Have you ever been to Jazzfest ---- first or second weekend?
Have you ever been to Pontchartrain Beach?
Have you ever stood in line at the Camellia Grill? Had a po-boy at
Uglesich's? Oyster and artichoke soup at Mandina's? BBQ shrimp at Pascal
Manale's? Gumbo at Dookie Chase? Have you ever been to a plantation home?
Have you ever been to the French Quarter festival? Can you pronounce
Tchoupitoulas? Thibodaux? Boutte? Have you ever been to Clancy's? The
Upperline? Brightsen's?
Have you ever been to the Biloxi beaches? Have you ever had a monsoon at
Port of Call? Breakfast at the Blue Bird? Have you ever seen the Neville
Brothers? Cowboy Mouth? The Radiators?
Have you ever been to New Orleans?
If you've been there, undoubtedly one of these things found its way to your
itinerary. You probably also saw the dirty streets, the tired shotgun
houses, and cracked sidewalks. You've heard about the high crime, poor
public schools, poverty, and racism. And yes, there are many housing
projects. It is very hot in the summer, people are generally overweight, and
the city is always a hurricane away from being flooded.
Each visitor chooses to see the New Orleans they want to see it. Luckily,
New Orleans has the amazing ability to win over many more than it loses. It
can cause one to see the big oaks hovering over St. Charles and not the
trash on the sidewalks. It can cause one to focus on the street musician and
not the street beggar. It can cause one to see the wrought iron balcony
rather than the dilapidated building. What is it about the Big Easy that
makes most see the positive and not the negative? The answer to New Orleans'
allure may, on the surface, seem different for locals and tourists but I
suspect that there is a common thread - the people, the heart and soul of
New Orleans.
There is a culture and tradition in New Orleans that is sweet and simple. No
need to over analyze this. It recognizes that the enjoyment of family and
life is as attainable for the poor as it is for the rich. A hand on a
shoulder and touch on the arm is just the way we say hello. We know that
good music, food, and drink is made all the better when surrounded by
friends who share the same outlook. When it is your way of life, when it is
woven into your circle of friends, social gatherings aren't seen as
"excesses" but as something you just do.
New Orleanians don't believe they've cornered the market on this way of
life. They recognize it when they see it elsewhere and they applaud it. What
makes New Orleans special is that they have a concentration of people who
have it and foster it. It's generational. It's hereditary.
The challenge to New Orleans, to the New Orleanian, is as great as ever. Its
reputation temporarily tarnished by the things that occurred in the
aftermath of Katrina, it is up to those who live there, have been there, and
adopted this city to not let these terrible scenes replace the ones they
have of the Big Easy. While money is needed to rebuild, preserving that
feeling and attitude that New Orleans gave you on that last visit is just as
important. Did the flood waters wash away the New Orleans way of life? Not a
chance. Not a chance that New Orleanians would deprive future generations of
this breeding ground of the good life.
With the vast destruction of parts of New Orleans now clear, the question is
being asked repeatedly, "Is New Orleans worth rebuilding?" To that, I can
only reply, "Have you ever been to New Orleans?"
Author unkown
To end, here is a quote from the Times-Picayune newspaper"
We dance when there is no music, We drink at funerals.
We talk too much, and live too large and, frankly, we're suspicious of
others who don't...When you meet us now and you look into our eyes, you will
see the saddest story ever told. Our hearts are broken into a thousand
pieces. But don't pity us, we're gonna make it. After all, we've been
rooting for the Saints for 35 years. Thats got to count for something."
-Chris Rose, Times-Picayune Columnist, New Orleans
Come and visit us before you write us off the map. WE ARE STILL HERE!!!!!!!!
New Orleans
New Orleans. How wonderful those words sound when said with no quirky
emphasis on odd syllables. They always seem to elicit some response. Have
you been there?
Have you ever been to Café Du Monde for beignets and café au lait and gone
back every morning of your visit? Have you ever sat for hours in the piano
bar at Pat O'Brien's sipping hurricanes? Have you ever been to Mardi Gras -
Bacchus? Endymion? Rex? Have you ever had oysters at the Acme House? Have
you ever sat out on the "fly" eating crawfish and drinking Dixie beer?
Have you ever taken a walking tour of the Garden District? Have you ever
sung karaoke at Cat's Meow? Do you know who John Folse is? Have you ever
risen at 6am to roam the streets of a "quiet" French Quarter? Have you ever
been to Galatoire's? K-Paul's? Emeril's? Can you remember when Zulu threw
gold-painted coconuts? Have you ever ridden the street-car down St.Charles
Avenue secretly sipping your strawberry daiquiri?
Have you ever had
a mint julep on the porch of The Columns Hotel? Have you ever been to
Audubon Park? City Park? Have you ever been to mass at the St. Louis
Do you know who Harry Connick, Sr is? Have you ever had breakfast at
Brennan's? Have you ever been to the original Tipitina's? Have you ever been
to the Superdome? Saint's game? Sugar Bowl? Super Bowl? Final Four? Have you
ever had cheese fries at Fat Harry's? Thrown peanuts on the floor at
O'Henry's? Have you ever been to the Rendon Inn? Can you remember the New
Orleans World's Fair?
Have you ever been to the campuses of Tulane and Loyola? Have you been to a
crawfish boil? Sucked the heads? Have you ever been "on the lake"? "Across
the lake"? To the "west bank"? Have you had a Ferdi from Mother's and
wondered what "debris" was? Have you ever been an unexpected invitee to a
jazz funeral? Have you ever been to Jazzfest ---- first or second weekend?
Have you ever been to Pontchartrain Beach?
Have you ever stood in line at the Camellia Grill? Had a po-boy at
Uglesich's? Oyster and artichoke soup at Mandina's? BBQ shrimp at Pascal
Manale's? Gumbo at Dookie Chase? Have you ever been to a plantation home?
Have you ever been to the French Quarter festival? Can you pronounce
Tchoupitoulas? Thibodaux? Boutte? Have you ever been to Clancy's? The
Upperline? Brightsen's?
Have you ever been to the Biloxi beaches? Have you ever had a monsoon at
Port of Call? Breakfast at the Blue Bird? Have you ever seen the Neville
Brothers? Cowboy Mouth? The Radiators?
Have you ever been to New Orleans?
If you've been there, undoubtedly one of these things found its way to your
itinerary. You probably also saw the dirty streets, the tired shotgun
houses, and cracked sidewalks. You've heard about the high crime, poor
public schools, poverty, and racism. And yes, there are many housing
projects. It is very hot in the summer, people are generally overweight, and
the city is always a hurricane away from being flooded.
Each visitor chooses to see the New Orleans they want to see it. Luckily,
New Orleans has the amazing ability to win over many more than it loses. It
can cause one to see the big oaks hovering over St. Charles and not the
trash on the sidewalks. It can cause one to focus on the street musician and
not the street beggar. It can cause one to see the wrought iron balcony
rather than the dilapidated building. What is it about the Big Easy that
makes most see the positive and not the negative? The answer to New Orleans'
allure may, on the surface, seem different for locals and tourists but I
suspect that there is a common thread - the people, the heart and soul of
New Orleans.
There is a culture and tradition in New Orleans that is sweet and simple. No
need to over analyze this. It recognizes that the enjoyment of family and
life is as attainable for the poor as it is for the rich. A hand on a
shoulder and touch on the arm is just the way we say hello. We know that
good music, food, and drink is made all the better when surrounded by
friends who share the same outlook. When it is your way of life, when it is
woven into your circle of friends, social gatherings aren't seen as
"excesses" but as something you just do.
New Orleanians don't believe they've cornered the market on this way of
life. They recognize it when they see it elsewhere and they applaud it. What
makes New Orleans special is that they have a concentration of people who
have it and foster it. It's generational. It's hereditary.
The challenge to New Orleans, to the New Orleanian, is as great as ever. Its
reputation temporarily tarnished by the things that occurred in the
aftermath of Katrina, it is up to those who live there, have been there, and
adopted this city to not let these terrible scenes replace the ones they
have of the Big Easy. While money is needed to rebuild, preserving that
feeling and attitude that New Orleans gave you on that last visit is just as
important. Did the flood waters wash away the New Orleans way of life? Not a
chance. Not a chance that New Orleanians would deprive future generations of
this breeding ground of the good life.
With the vast destruction of parts of New Orleans now clear, the question is
being asked repeatedly, "Is New Orleans worth rebuilding?" To that, I can
only reply, "Have you ever been to New Orleans?"
Author unkown
To end, here is a quote from the Times-Picayune newspaper"
We dance when there is no music, We drink at funerals.
We talk too much, and live too large and, frankly, we're suspicious of
others who don't...When you meet us now and you look into our eyes, you will
see the saddest story ever told. Our hearts are broken into a thousand
pieces. But don't pity us, we're gonna make it. After all, we've been
rooting for the Saints for 35 years. Thats got to count for something."
-Chris Rose, Times-Picayune Columnist, New Orleans
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Freeform knit/crochet for the bored.
For those who knit/crochet, I have found a really fun website. If some of you are like me, (I hate to throw out ANY scrap of yarn) Frugal(tight-wad)and bored with the same old things. Check out this website.Freeform by Prudence, My hands are already itching to try it. I might try a purse. I have sooo much eyelash yarn left over.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Teacher's stop
If anyone is interested in helping out a New Orleans business, this is a great one to check out. The Teacher's Stop
I know this lady personally. Her store was destroyed thanks to Katrina, but she has thankfully returned to my area.
Check out her online store. This is a great resourse for teacher materials.
I know this lady personally. Her store was destroyed thanks to Katrina, but she has thankfully returned to my area.
Check out her online store. This is a great resourse for teacher materials.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
I love plants
This is a very cool website for Gardeners. I LOVE PLANTSNot only are you greeted with a sweet bird chirping this site has almost everything. Check it out!
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Relative sun sizes
Check out this awesome website.
Relative Sun Sizes
This one will be a shocker.
God is in control!
Have a great day!
Relative Sun Sizes
This one will be a shocker.
God is in control!
Have a great day!
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Canola Good or Bad
With all of the chemicals that we ingest everyday, sometimes we just have to go back to basics.
I am no longer using Canola oil, but am switching back to EVOO- extra virgin olive oil.
Some say Canola oil is bad, others say it is good.
I know for a fact olive oil is good.
So back to Olive Oil.
I am no longer using Canola oil, but am switching back to EVOO- extra virgin olive oil.
Some say Canola oil is bad, others say it is good.
I know for a fact olive oil is good.
So back to Olive Oil.
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