Saturday, May 19, 2007

I've been tagged!!!!

Well I have finally been tagged.
I didn't think I would be excited about this, but I am, sort of.

I have been tagged by Tabitha. These are the rules.

Each person tagged gives 7 random facts about themselves.
Those tagged need to write in their blogs the 7 facts,
as well as the rules of the game.
You need to tag 7 others and list their names on your blog.
You have to leave those you plan on tagging a note in their
comments so they know that they have been tagged and to read your blog.

1.I am still on the fence most days about homeschooling. I know this is what God has called me to do. He has shown me this in too many ways for me not to notice. This is actually our first full year, and we still have 4 more months of school work to do. When the teacher is out sick, the school is out of session. Sure helping me with my housework and other odd jobs is sometimes classified as a school day, but isn't that cheating?
2.I love, love, love, to wear sweaters, socks, and anything warm. This doesn't always work out for me since I live in the south, but it helps that I am less than 100lbs.
3. Yes! I weigh less than 100lbs. I am only 5 foot tall. Quite tiny, not anorexic.
I eat, promise. Living in New Orleans, how can you not eat. My Dad is also very skinny. Sorry ladies, I try to gain weight, honest!!!!Highest weight 111 lbs on due date with 2nd child. I was all baby.
4. I survived Katrina! Long story. We are back home now.
5. I am not a big fan of chocolate. Weird huh! I would rather vanilla, Coffee, or something salty.
6. I sleep mostly on my right side, with a stuffed pig. My husband says it "hogs" the bed.I love pigs even in my sleep.
7. Yarn talks to me.I can go through a "Wal-Mart yarn clearance sale stash" in about 1-2 months. Mostly for charity. I am self taught at crochet and knitting. Crochet not a challenge, been doing that for 13 years. Knitting, only 2 years,is somewhat more difficult since I am a combined knitter. It makes it harder to follow patterns.

talking about myself- not a problem
tagging 7 people- a problem

since I tend to take Tabitha's view on the whole forwarding thing, this time I will abstain on that.

I may have a add on later..

As for my surgery. So far mostly well. Interesting turn of events....It may not have been my eye teeth giving me all the trouble... still have pain and it is in the same spot.
I will write more about this later.

Thank you Tabitha for tagging me!

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