Name a smell that you are fond of, and why. This is from Silja's blog.
If you are interested in playing Name that favorite smell---be my guest, I am not too fond of tagging people either.
Coffee- yeah, simple I know.
Growing up, when I would smell coffee I would think of my Dad. Even though I wasn't raised with my father, the few memories that I do have, usually involve coffee, or alcohol, but that memory has no place in my wonderful coffee memory.
I smell coffee and I feel alive and refreshed, but also calmed and relaxed, Go figure!
I LOVE coffee... and if I could mainline it I would. With sugar and Half & Half of course, I am a creamer purist.... No, No, No fake powdery creamer touches these lips, unless I am out of the good stuff of course.
I like coffee hot, I like coffee cold, I like coffee in a house, I like coffee in a box, I like I am!!!
Angry Monarch Caterfly
1 hour ago
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