Sunday, June 3, 2007

sculpture garden-nudity

My eldest son and I took a long walk and found ourselves in city park today. Our City park just so happens to be next to our museum and a sculpture garden. We decided to have a stroll through this garden. It is free, with donations.
We had a good time, but I had some 'splainin' to do. I really had not thought that an 11 yr old would be shocked by a sculpture of a naked woman, or naked men, but he was. I guess I am a bit used to seeing nudity in "ART", and it just was over my head.
We had a few discussions about his reactions, and the art. Of course his favorite sculpture happend to be a naked woman, I thought her form was quite lovely, and gracefull. The biggest shocker for ES happend to be the 4 sculptures of naked men, he asked me to cover my eyes. They were crudely done but naked none the less.
ES seemed to be fascinated with a walk way made of stepping stones crossing over a small pond (it seemed as if the blocks were little islands, with water flowing around them). I hope that this will be a memory that he will always treasure, as I will. Our expenses- Burger King...$10, Sculpture Garden....$6, Your son telling you to cover your eyes.....Priceless!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ever though of doing freelance writing?