This is an interesting email that I thought I would share.
Don't know how true this is but here goes:
There is one Christmas Carol that has always baffled me.
What in the world do leaping lords, French hens, swimming swans, and especially the partridge who won't come out of the pear tree have to do with Christmas?
This week, I found out.
From 1558 until 1829, Roman Catholics in England were not permitted to practice their faith openly. Someone during that era wrote this carol as a catechism song for young Catholics.
It has two levels of meaning: the surface meaning plus a hidden meaning known only to members of their church. Each element in the carol has a code word for a religious reality which the children could remember.
-The partridge in a pear tree was Jesus Christ.
-Two turtle doves were the Old and New Testaments.
-Three French hens stood for faith, hope and love.
-The four calling birds were the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John.
-The five golden rings recalled the Torah or Law, the first five books of the Old Testament.
-The six geese a-laying stood for the six days of creation.
-Seven swans a-swimming represented the sevenfold gifts of the Holy Spirit--Prophesy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Contribution, Leadership, and Mercy.
-The eight maids a-milking were the eight beatitudes.
-Nine ladies dancing were the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit--Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness,
Gentleness, and Self Control.
-The ten lords a-leaping were the ten commandments.
-The eleven pipers piping stood for the eleven faithful disciples.
-The twelve drummers drumming symbolized the twelve points of belief in the Apostles' Creed.
So there is your history for today. This knowledge was shared with me and I found it interesting and enlightening and now I know how that strange song became a Christmas pass it on if you wish. Hope I did not offend any one!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
New president
Well Obama has done it. I just pray that people understand what they are getting.
Honestly, I don't think they understand what his views are. The country wanted change, well I think we are gonna get it. To everyone who actually holds a job everyday, and works for every penny they make, you have my sympathy. To every lazy person who feel the government owes you something or that someone must bail you out of your crap filled existence that is self imposed in most cases(some are exceptions)
live it up, keep doing what you do best, suck the life out of the economy. Or better yet, get some self esteem, stop having babies, get off your lazy ass, and get a freaking job, and stop buying shit that you can't afford anyway.
Sometimes people need help, but those are usually the people who get screwed, because they cannot lie to get what they need. I know people on both sides of this fence.
God help us all, you reap what you sow.
Honestly, I don't think they understand what his views are. The country wanted change, well I think we are gonna get it. To everyone who actually holds a job everyday, and works for every penny they make, you have my sympathy. To every lazy person who feel the government owes you something or that someone must bail you out of your crap filled existence that is self imposed in most cases(some are exceptions)
live it up, keep doing what you do best, suck the life out of the economy. Or better yet, get some self esteem, stop having babies, get off your lazy ass, and get a freaking job, and stop buying shit that you can't afford anyway.
Sometimes people need help, but those are usually the people who get screwed, because they cannot lie to get what they need. I know people on both sides of this fence.
God help us all, you reap what you sow.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I voted!
Yes, I voted!
I am a McCain supporter!
Whomever you vote for I pray that you will understand what your candidate stands for.
I am a McCain supporter!
Whomever you vote for I pray that you will understand what your candidate stands for.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Pissing and moaning
Lord help me!
I don't know if I am in a funk because my husband and youngest boy went out of town for three days or if I am loosing my mind.
Yesterday I snapped at my mother about going to drop off 8 bags of clothes at the thrift store. I had a decent time, but didn't manage to look at much for myself, since oldest boy was ready to go. Sure he was ready to go after I shopped for him for 45 min.
Then this morning he pissed and moaned about the clothes that HE picked out.
Schooling was a disaster. I have been dealing with disrespect and laziness all day.
I have had to leave the room 4 times just so they didn't get the crap beat out of them. Yeah sure it must be the "teen angst" that I am dealing with, but why do I have to be the brunt of all of the worlds evil.
I am not the cause of everyone's troubles, just like any one person is the cause of mine.
I have taken it to God, multiple times. I am just not sure if I can hack this homeschooling thing anymore. My level of anxiety is at its top most level. I am having nightmares and chest pains with muscle tension, almost to the point of wanting to pack my stuff and leave. Just to get away from this everlasting misery.
Maybe I am depressed? But I am not taking a dang thing for it. I ususally have someone to talk to, a best friend, but she has been soooo busy with her own problems that we just don't talk anymore. I really miss her. And maybe I am loosing her. Or maybe it is just the season.....I don't think I even know what I am doing anymore.
Maybe I should reserve a bed in the nut house!
Or maybe I could just hang on one more day and pray that God sees fit to fix these things...or not.
Why bother! Now I am just pissing and moaning about crap that I have created.
So what now?
I don't know if I am in a funk because my husband and youngest boy went out of town for three days or if I am loosing my mind.
Yesterday I snapped at my mother about going to drop off 8 bags of clothes at the thrift store. I had a decent time, but didn't manage to look at much for myself, since oldest boy was ready to go. Sure he was ready to go after I shopped for him for 45 min.
Then this morning he pissed and moaned about the clothes that HE picked out.
Schooling was a disaster. I have been dealing with disrespect and laziness all day.
I have had to leave the room 4 times just so they didn't get the crap beat out of them. Yeah sure it must be the "teen angst" that I am dealing with, but why do I have to be the brunt of all of the worlds evil.
I am not the cause of everyone's troubles, just like any one person is the cause of mine.
I have taken it to God, multiple times. I am just not sure if I can hack this homeschooling thing anymore. My level of anxiety is at its top most level. I am having nightmares and chest pains with muscle tension, almost to the point of wanting to pack my stuff and leave. Just to get away from this everlasting misery.
Maybe I am depressed? But I am not taking a dang thing for it. I ususally have someone to talk to, a best friend, but she has been soooo busy with her own problems that we just don't talk anymore. I really miss her. And maybe I am loosing her. Or maybe it is just the season.....I don't think I even know what I am doing anymore.
Maybe I should reserve a bed in the nut house!
Or maybe I could just hang on one more day and pray that God sees fit to fix these things...or not.
Why bother! Now I am just pissing and moaning about crap that I have created.
So what now?
Friday, September 5, 2008
Gustav Evacutation-Vacation
Home again, Home again, never to roam!
Jeesh I wish.
We made it through Gustav. Now we are watching Hanna, Ike, Josephine and whatever else comes next.
I would rather not talk much about the pains of evacuation, but rather the high points of it. We went to Picayune MS which is not that far away from New Orleans. But our elevation was a safe 200+ so we didn't have to worry about flooding. We were treated like Kings and Queens. Fed up to 3 meals every day and all of the comforts of home. Thanks Mr. Jules and Ms. Jannie. God bless you. They unfortunatly lost everything in St. Bernard Parish during Katrina. A lot of my FIL's friends did. They have 5 acres in Pic. Ms now and it was a fun Evacuation-Vacation-Labor day for my boys.
Except for the youngest running fever the whole time and a spider bite.
Thank God we are now home, with power and sewage!! Yeah! Not much to choose from in the food dept. But an Italian pie was open yesterday. So we had it delivered.
It was so nice to take a shower and sleep in my own bed. Especially taking a nap in piece.... That was soooo needed.
We will have to hang in there and see what IKE is up to though. I will keep yall posted.
Jeesh I wish.
We made it through Gustav. Now we are watching Hanna, Ike, Josephine and whatever else comes next.
I would rather not talk much about the pains of evacuation, but rather the high points of it. We went to Picayune MS which is not that far away from New Orleans. But our elevation was a safe 200+ so we didn't have to worry about flooding. We were treated like Kings and Queens. Fed up to 3 meals every day and all of the comforts of home. Thanks Mr. Jules and Ms. Jannie. God bless you. They unfortunatly lost everything in St. Bernard Parish during Katrina. A lot of my FIL's friends did. They have 5 acres in Pic. Ms now and it was a fun Evacuation-Vacation-Labor day for my boys.
Except for the youngest running fever the whole time and a spider bite.
Thank God we are now home, with power and sewage!! Yeah! Not much to choose from in the food dept. But an Italian pie was open yesterday. So we had it delivered.
It was so nice to take a shower and sleep in my own bed. Especially taking a nap in piece.... That was soooo needed.
We will have to hang in there and see what IKE is up to though. I will keep yall posted.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Well here we go again. Today happens to be the Third Anni. of Katrina. I happen to live a few blocks away from the cemetary where the unclaimed victims are being buried. I had every intention to go down there with the kids today. That didn't happen.
We are packing because the weather forcast looks ominous to say the least. Here we go again..this time with GUSTAV! CRAP!!!!!
I found a poem that is so fitting at this time.
Emily Dickinson
While we were fearing it, it came,
But came with less of fear
Because that fearing it so long
Had almost made it fair.
There is a fitting---a dismay;
A fitting---a dispair.
'Tis harder knowing it is due
Than knowing it is here.
The trying on the utmost,
The morning it is new,
Is terribler than wearing it
A whole existence through.
Emily Dickinson
God bless, maybe we will be spared this time.
We are packing because the weather forcast looks ominous to say the least. Here we go again..this time with GUSTAV! CRAP!!!!!
I found a poem that is so fitting at this time.
Emily Dickinson
While we were fearing it, it came,
But came with less of fear
Because that fearing it so long
Had almost made it fair.
There is a fitting---a dismay;
A fitting---a dispair.
'Tis harder knowing it is due
Than knowing it is here.
The trying on the utmost,
The morning it is new,
Is terribler than wearing it
A whole existence through.
Emily Dickinson
God bless, maybe we will be spared this time.
Rebuilding N.O.,
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
Funny email from Aunt J****
I may be retiring------I am the lucky winner of
Friday, August 22, 2008, 5:47 AM
I got a phone call from "Global International
Sweepstakes Unlimited", telling me that I have Won A sweepstakes
from Walmart
(that I don't ever remember entering-- I just love those
anonymous entries.)
Of Course I was Happily surprised. They wanted to meet with me
as soon as possible
to give me the Large Check. I replied to,just mail it
please ( I wanted a few
more days of my average lifestyle to last, of course)
" I think"-
Through the broken English, that it was too LARGE to just send it in
the mail. "No thanks"
I replied. (I guess the Foreigners have no faith in the
United States Post
Office--unless they are shipping that powered poison,
"Mam, What don't you understand? Would you like to
talk to my
manager."..."Of course ...get your other buddie who also
cannot pronounce any
English syllables."........ He again tells me I am a WINNER.
I asked for HIS
information, Name of the Company, address, phone number.
(That was a 20 minute mistake) they weren't that good with syllables, they slaughtered through every
painfull number......1 876-490-2684 (I think )
10 Peach Tree Dr., Las Vegas. (I think),as thier were no
high school courses offered "foreigner half-ass scam," at that time.
But on there behalf,
I did fail an English class once.
Anyway he still wants to give me that Money...they
cannot send through the
mail because they have a contract with a courier( which I
would have to pay..$$$)
I said why? I don't have a contract with him --you do.
again- "Mam what don't you understand??????"
They need to come to my home for a presentation, to
give me the Large
Check.... and I had to pay the courier or I would have to
pay Taxes, they could
save me $16000.00 in taxes.......(You really think the IRS
likes me that much.)
He could have someone ay my home between 2-4 today.
That foreigner thief knew my address, compliments of any telephone book.
I told him, "I was not
comfortable with the arrangement of the Scam, and could
they please go to my
husband's workplace to finalize the scam there."
"No Mam".
I finally said- "I have your number---When I want to
collect the Scam money I'll let you know................"
After I hung up, I got a little worried because they
were so persistent on coming to my home, and
knew my address..... I wanted to take
a shower but was to afraid I would get stabbed!
(ya know the movie scene.)
I tried calling the BBB, thier mailbox was full, so no
more room for my message. I went online to check out the information he supplied--Like I would
FIND "J**** HERE's the"
I found a website to report scams, it was the FBI,
which of course no
one apprantly works at there appointed desk--so leave a
message--Which I did.- 2
hours later I did recieve a return call from an agent. He
said he knew of Global International, not to be worried about them having my name or address, it was
public record in any phone book. As for them not wanting to
meet me own my terms, should be a red flag. I told him "I was not planning on meeting with them." He said "He thought that was Smart."
(He doesn't know me on those menopausal retarded
And that was that.
So this poor average ass will be at
work tomorrow.
Friday, August 22, 2008, 5:47 AM
I got a phone call from "Global International
Sweepstakes Unlimited", telling me that I have Won A sweepstakes
from Walmart
(that I don't ever remember entering-- I just love those
anonymous entries.)
Of Course I was Happily surprised. They wanted to meet with me
as soon as possible
to give me the Large Check. I replied to,just mail it
please ( I wanted a few
more days of my average lifestyle to last, of course)
" I think"-
Through the broken English, that it was too LARGE to just send it in
the mail. "No thanks"
I replied. (I guess the Foreigners have no faith in the
United States Post
Office--unless they are shipping that powered poison,
"Mam, What don't you understand? Would you like to
talk to my
manager."..."Of course ...get your other buddie who also
cannot pronounce any
English syllables."........ He again tells me I am a WINNER.
I asked for HIS
information, Name of the Company, address, phone number.
(That was a 20 minute mistake) they weren't that good with syllables, they slaughtered through every
painfull number......1 876-490-2684 (I think )
10 Peach Tree Dr., Las Vegas. (I think),as thier were no
high school courses offered "foreigner half-ass scam," at that time.
But on there behalf,
I did fail an English class once.
Anyway he still wants to give me that Money...they
cannot send through the
mail because they have a contract with a courier( which I
would have to pay..$$$)
I said why? I don't have a contract with him --you do.
again- "Mam what don't you understand??????"
They need to come to my home for a presentation, to
give me the Large
Check.... and I had to pay the courier or I would have to
pay Taxes, they could
save me $16000.00 in taxes.......(You really think the IRS
likes me that much.)
He could have someone ay my home between 2-4 today.
That foreigner thief knew my address, compliments of any telephone book.
I told him, "I was not
comfortable with the arrangement of the Scam, and could
they please go to my
husband's workplace to finalize the scam there."
"No Mam".
I finally said- "I have your number---When I want to
collect the Scam money I'll let you know................"
After I hung up, I got a little worried because they
were so persistent on coming to my home, and
knew my address..... I wanted to take
a shower but was to afraid I would get stabbed!
(ya know the movie scene.)
I tried calling the BBB, thier mailbox was full, so no
more room for my message. I went online to check out the information he supplied--Like I would
FIND "J**** HERE's the"
I found a website to report scams, it was the FBI,
which of course no
one apprantly works at there appointed desk--so leave a
message--Which I did.- 2
hours later I did recieve a return call from an agent. He
said he knew of Global International, not to be worried about them having my name or address, it was
public record in any phone book. As for them not wanting to
meet me own my terms, should be a red flag. I told him "I was not planning on meeting with them." He said "He thought that was Smart."
(He doesn't know me on those menopausal retarded
And that was that.
So this poor average ass will be at
work tomorrow.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
EngRish & projects
I have been working on a few projects.

The sunflower is from my garden. Yes, I still find time to garden.
I have found a really funny website. Or should I say rearry funny.
It makes you wonder how many times we murder other languages, even our own.
I laughed so hard, I cried and almost peed myself.

The sunflower is from my garden. Yes, I still find time to garden.
I have found a really funny website. Or should I say rearry funny.
It makes you wonder how many times we murder other languages, even our own.
I laughed so hard, I cried and almost peed myself.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Back to school 100th post
Saturday, August 9, 2008
I need to laugh
So much has been going on lately. I need to laugh.
Here are some things I have found, in a roundabout way.
Cake Wrecks
If these don't make you laugh, then you need medication!
Here are some things I have found, in a roundabout way.
Cake Wrecks
If these don't make you laugh, then you need medication!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Handmade bags-Earth friendly
Do you still use paper or plastic bags for your shopping?
Maybe you could try making your own instead.

I inherited 5 yards of really loud purple and neon flowered crepe.
What to do? Make grocery bags of course.

The cashiers often giggle and say "Oh, they all match!" Which happens to be code for "Eww. I can't believe you came out of the house with those."

The picture is tame. They are more garishly purple and neon than they look.
At first my youngest son ripped them out of my “granny cart”, because we almost always walk to the store, and he screamed “Nuh-uh! I am not going if you are bringing these ugly things!”, But he recovered when I explained that we were helping the environment.
I have also been crocheting some bags out of #10 cotton, I try to make them all a little different. I get bored with repetition.

Make a bottom as wide or as fancy as you want. Some I made with a granny square 6x6 in and then proceeded to chain 5, sc in ch space all around. When you get to the top divide stitches by 4, 2 sides you want to reduce the number and the other 2 sides you will make your handles. These will hold the lighter items like fruit or vegetables. Mine fit a 4 pack roll of toilet paper. But You can make them bigger.
I will try to write up an actual pattern soon. But try Firefly's 1Bag first.
I live on a farm free pattern
Maybe you could try making your own instead.

I inherited 5 yards of really loud purple and neon flowered crepe.
What to do? Make grocery bags of course.

The cashiers often giggle and say "Oh, they all match!" Which happens to be code for "Eww. I can't believe you came out of the house with those."

The picture is tame. They are more garishly purple and neon than they look.
At first my youngest son ripped them out of my “granny cart”, because we almost always walk to the store, and he screamed “Nuh-uh! I am not going if you are bringing these ugly things!”, But he recovered when I explained that we were helping the environment.
I have also been crocheting some bags out of #10 cotton, I try to make them all a little different. I get bored with repetition.

Make a bottom as wide or as fancy as you want. Some I made with a granny square 6x6 in and then proceeded to chain 5, sc in ch space all around. When you get to the top divide stitches by 4, 2 sides you want to reduce the number and the other 2 sides you will make your handles. These will hold the lighter items like fruit or vegetables. Mine fit a 4 pack roll of toilet paper. But You can make them bigger.
I will try to write up an actual pattern soon. But try Firefly's 1Bag first.
I live on a farm free pattern
Rebuilding N.O.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
New Orleans Lakefront Lighthouse-
New Orleans Lakefront Lighthouse-
I'm hoping ya'll will take a sec, (and it only takes a sec) to help out. Our lighthouse on Lake Pontchartrain in New Orleans was destroyed by Katrina. Built in the 1890s, the lighthouse has been a lakefront landmark for years, guiding boats in and out of the Orleans Marina and the Municipal Yacht Harbor. Some of the original materials were salvaged and they're trying to rebuild it but of course it takes money the city doesn't have right now.
There is a company that restores lighthouses and has a contest going on right now to donate new windows and doors for a lighthouse in need of restoration, and the Canal lighthouse is on the list! PLEASE help out and vote for New Orleans !! Thanks ya'll!
To see more about our light house check here
I'm hoping ya'll will take a sec, (and it only takes a sec) to help out. Our lighthouse on Lake Pontchartrain in New Orleans was destroyed by Katrina. Built in the 1890s, the lighthouse has been a lakefront landmark for years, guiding boats in and out of the Orleans Marina and the Municipal Yacht Harbor. Some of the original materials were salvaged and they're trying to rebuild it but of course it takes money the city doesn't have right now.
There is a company that restores lighthouses and has a contest going on right now to donate new windows and doors for a lighthouse in need of restoration, and the Canal lighthouse is on the list! PLEASE help out and vote for New Orleans !! Thanks ya'll!
To see more about our light house check here
Rebuilding N.O.,
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Mother's Day

Mother's day was sad.
My MIL was in heaven, and my Mom was in Georgia visiting my brother. My FIL came here for a visit to see his mom.
I ended up making a chicken and sausage gumbo. And cleaning my own house. What's up with that!!!
It is Mother's day darnit. I should be pampered and not have to lift a finger...... Sorry, I was just dreaming. Here in the real world Mother's day = "do your job" day.
Any way, Thank you,God for making me a Mother.
Thank you God for giving me a Mother.
Thank you God for giving me a MIL.
I did get a diamond cross pendant(which has lost a diamond already) and a Cappuchino Blast. WOOO HOOO!
Monday, May 5, 2008
It would seem that being a Christian is not always goodness and light.
I am being attacked. And I have done nothing wrong.
My childhood friend, C, whom my whole group of childhood friends have been looking for for the last 20+ years has finally been found.
I have been talking to him on myspace...everything platonic and on the up and up. We have been talking about our lives since we last saw each other. Mostly talking about our families and our pets. There was a mention about a first kiss in the garage. But really everything on the up and up. My husband was fully aware of everything that was mentioned. I even read the emails to him. We had conversations about meeting at the park with our families and possibly going out to eat as a group.
All of that said, I got a really nasty email from his GF yesterday. Fabricating some romantic connection that does not exist. I responded in a christian way that if I said anything to her that offended her I am sorry, but I didn't do anything wrong.
Let me just say that she was blaming me for everything that had ever gone wrong ever in there relationship. Even so far as to call my character into question....almost calling me a harlot.
My husband even gave C a call to sort this out.
They talked and it appears that she did fabricate a "relationship" between us. DUH!!!!! I told her that.
I only wanted to be friends with both of them. But they have bigger fish to fry than me.
I pray that they are able to work through whatever it is that they have causing strife between them.
I reiterate "I AM NOT AFTER YOUR MAN" so do not attack me. I have never attacked you, nor do I have any intentions of doing so.
If C feels that he can no longer talk to me than that is his choice. I only ever wanted a friendship. He is not my "Childhood Crush". I still see him in my mind as a troubled little kid making mud pies in my front yard. At this point I am not sure if being friends with him is worth all of this hassle.
Anyway, I am done venting.
I am being attacked. And I have done nothing wrong.
My childhood friend, C, whom my whole group of childhood friends have been looking for for the last 20+ years has finally been found.
I have been talking to him on myspace...everything platonic and on the up and up. We have been talking about our lives since we last saw each other. Mostly talking about our families and our pets. There was a mention about a first kiss in the garage. But really everything on the up and up. My husband was fully aware of everything that was mentioned. I even read the emails to him. We had conversations about meeting at the park with our families and possibly going out to eat as a group.
All of that said, I got a really nasty email from his GF yesterday. Fabricating some romantic connection that does not exist. I responded in a christian way that if I said anything to her that offended her I am sorry, but I didn't do anything wrong.
Let me just say that she was blaming me for everything that had ever gone wrong ever in there relationship. Even so far as to call my character into question....almost calling me a harlot.
My husband even gave C a call to sort this out.
They talked and it appears that she did fabricate a "relationship" between us. DUH!!!!! I told her that.
I only wanted to be friends with both of them. But they have bigger fish to fry than me.
I pray that they are able to work through whatever it is that they have causing strife between them.
I reiterate "I AM NOT AFTER YOUR MAN" so do not attack me. I have never attacked you, nor do I have any intentions of doing so.
If C feels that he can no longer talk to me than that is his choice. I only ever wanted a friendship. He is not my "Childhood Crush". I still see him in my mind as a troubled little kid making mud pies in my front yard. At this point I am not sure if being friends with him is worth all of this hassle.
Anyway, I am done venting.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
List of gratitude
Sometimes I feel like this blog has become a "bitch-fest" please forgive me. I don't always feel this way. Life has been challenging lately.
I guess I should post more on the things that make me happy, or make a gratitude list.
I am grateful for.....
My Husband
My children
My Mother
My Mother in Law(now passed)
My grandmother
My Mimi
My Bestemama
My Aunts... all 5 of them
and the rest of my family
a place to live
food to eat
money to survive
money to splurge
money to save
money to pay bills
money to .....whatever
a comfortable bed
a sweet dog
a sweet bird
a computer
a recliner
knitting needles
crochet hooks
donated yarn
that my husband has a job
that I can school my children
that my children are safe
that I still have my health
that my family still has their health
that my MIL is no longer suffering
a flea comb
flea medicine
school materials
a bathroom sink that is unclogged
that my identity is still intact...I pray
that my body can still function
that I still have all of my faculties
my earings
my wedding ring
that my husband still wants me
that I still want my husband
that my husband has quite a few years off of drugs(5ish)
that we had places to go when Katrina demolished our city.
that we had food to eat
that we didn't lose anyone
that we didn't lose our home
that I still have my hair
for the grays-I have earned them
for the wrinkles-aging gracefully(I HOPE)
that my children are good kids
that I even had children
that they are boys
my stepdaughter
that she is still alive
that she didn't do me in...
that she is an adult
my step dad-Bigfoot
my extended family
my father in law
my sister in law
her family
all of my brothers and sisters
my friends
her family
that I have people who give me clothes
that I have a church
that I have my faith
that I have hope
that I have love
that I have comfort
that I have relief
that I have strength
that I have peace
that I have knowledge
that I have wisdom
that I have discernment
that I have energy
that I have health
that I have God
that I have Jesus
that I have life
that I was able to give life
that I am able to see and know those lives
that I am able to love those around me
that I can forgive, many times over
that I can be forgiven
that I can dream
that I have all of my senses
that I know love
that someone loves me
that I am able to make things for people who have less
that I don't live in a third world country
that I can be proud to be an American
for our soldiers
for those who have fought/given life/limb/sanity for my freedom
God blesses America
God blesses me and my family
This is a long gratitude list...I could continue, but I think I could be here all night.
Thank you, God- for everything.
Your daughter
I guess I should post more on the things that make me happy, or make a gratitude list.
I am grateful for.....
My Husband
My children
My Mother
My Mother in Law(now passed)
My grandmother
My Mimi
My Bestemama
My Aunts... all 5 of them
and the rest of my family
a place to live
food to eat
money to survive
money to splurge
money to save
money to pay bills
money to .....whatever
a comfortable bed
a sweet dog
a sweet bird
a computer
a recliner
knitting needles
crochet hooks
donated yarn
that my husband has a job
that I can school my children
that my children are safe
that I still have my health
that my family still has their health
that my MIL is no longer suffering
a flea comb
flea medicine
school materials
a bathroom sink that is unclogged
that my identity is still intact...I pray
that my body can still function
that I still have all of my faculties
my earings
my wedding ring
that my husband still wants me
that I still want my husband
that my husband has quite a few years off of drugs(5ish)
that we had places to go when Katrina demolished our city.
that we had food to eat
that we didn't lose anyone
that we didn't lose our home
that I still have my hair
for the grays-I have earned them
for the wrinkles-aging gracefully(I HOPE)
that my children are good kids
that I even had children
that they are boys
my stepdaughter
that she is still alive
that she didn't do me in...
that she is an adult
my step dad-Bigfoot
my extended family
my father in law
my sister in law
her family
all of my brothers and sisters
my friends
her family
that I have people who give me clothes
that I have a church
that I have my faith
that I have hope
that I have love
that I have comfort
that I have relief
that I have strength
that I have peace
that I have knowledge
that I have wisdom
that I have discernment
that I have energy
that I have health
that I have God
that I have Jesus
that I have life
that I was able to give life
that I am able to see and know those lives
that I am able to love those around me
that I can forgive, many times over
that I can be forgiven
that I can dream
that I have all of my senses
that I know love
that someone loves me
that I am able to make things for people who have less
that I don't live in a third world country
that I can be proud to be an American
for our soldiers
for those who have fought/given life/limb/sanity for my freedom
God blesses America
God blesses me and my family
This is a long gratitude list...I could continue, but I think I could be here all night.
Thank you, God- for everything.
Your daughter
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Medicated child?!!!??!!!!!????!!!! What!!!!!!!
As a homeschooling Mom of 2, I have been confronted with "teachers" who have suggested that I put my children on medication for ADD or ADHD. This special on Frontline--The Medicated child, really opened my eyes. I am proud to say that with the help of God and the support of my husband, I have NOT put either of my children on any medication. If I do go to a Doctor who suggests Medication I will change doctors. WHAT is WRONG with people.... A 4 year old "normal" hyper child should not need to be zombieized.
I know parents and children who have had to be medicated. Knowing the situation, it was necessary. And the child is thriving. But these medications are being over prescribed and the kids are being over diagnosed.
Let kids be kids and pay attention to them Parents, stop being lazy, sending them to overcrowded schools, with teachers who are too busy to cope with a curious or bored child.
I don't know how far this will go. But I have no intention presently of putting my boys on anything. I will do my best as their mother, to give them the best possible chance for a drug free life as I can. God willing.
As a homeschooling Mom of 2, I have been confronted with "teachers" who have suggested that I put my children on medication for ADD or ADHD. This special on Frontline--The Medicated child, really opened my eyes. I am proud to say that with the help of God and the support of my husband, I have NOT put either of my children on any medication. If I do go to a Doctor who suggests Medication I will change doctors. WHAT is WRONG with people.... A 4 year old "normal" hyper child should not need to be zombieized.
I know parents and children who have had to be medicated. Knowing the situation, it was necessary. And the child is thriving. But these medications are being over prescribed and the kids are being over diagnosed.
Let kids be kids and pay attention to them Parents, stop being lazy, sending them to overcrowded schools, with teachers who are too busy to cope with a curious or bored child.
I don't know how far this will go. But I have no intention presently of putting my boys on anything. I will do my best as their mother, to give them the best possible chance for a drug free life as I can. God willing.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
cool beans....
Here are a bunch of fun pics of my MIL.

These show her sense of humor and her openness. I love the one with her looking like Dorf. When she hugged me in the wedding picture that was the moment that she said,"Now you will call me MOM!". I loved that.
I have finally found one of my best childhood friends. Chris! Yea! This has made my year. My life has been so overwhelming lately. This is one thing I can be happy about.

These show her sense of humor and her openness. I love the one with her looking like Dorf. When she hugged me in the wedding picture that was the moment that she said,"Now you will call me MOM!". I loved that.
I have finally found one of my best childhood friends. Chris! Yea! This has made my year. My life has been so overwhelming lately. This is one thing I can be happy about.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Mourning into dancing

This morning at about 4:20, My Mother in Law passed away.
She went to be with God. I am relieved that she is no longer suffering.
So when I say God has turned my mourning into dancing, and my sorrow into joy. I am not trying to offend those who need time to mourn. I have been in mourning for the last 3 months, and now I have a heavy weight lifted from me. Her struggle is done and she is at peace. I am also at peace. Mom, I love you, you have been a kind friend.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
My Husband and the kids are big fans of 'raslin'. I have had enough!!!!
LORD, You have to handle this one, before I go "Ghetto" on these boys.
Dad thought it would be fun (against Mom's better judgement, and pleading)
to 'rastle' with the boys.Dad has since gone to bed.
Well now they are wrestling in thier bedroom and it is past midnight.
I did what any mom would do in this situation.
1.Woke up Dad! Loudly!!
2.Took the T.V. from Jr.
3.Punished Jr-Jr. from racing.
4.Gave them a lecture in not 'raslin' cause they will get hurt.
5.Gave DAD the lecture that I am puttin my foot down, NO "RASLIN".
6.Pet Maggie, cause she didn't do anything wrong and she didn't like Mommy's lecture.
7.Made another cup of coffee.
9.Prayed that God stops me from hurting them.
10.Prayed that God changes their hearts about 'raslin'.
Now I am on "El Guapo" typing this on my blog.......
still to upset to go to bed, and the coffee isn't helping.
Thank you Lord for my family!!!
LORD, You have to handle this one, before I go "Ghetto" on these boys.
Dad thought it would be fun (against Mom's better judgement, and pleading)
to 'rastle' with the boys.Dad has since gone to bed.
Well now they are wrestling in thier bedroom and it is past midnight.
I did what any mom would do in this situation.
1.Woke up Dad! Loudly!!
2.Took the T.V. from Jr.
3.Punished Jr-Jr. from racing.
4.Gave them a lecture in not 'raslin' cause they will get hurt.
5.Gave DAD the lecture that I am puttin my foot down, NO "RASLIN".
6.Pet Maggie, cause she didn't do anything wrong and she didn't like Mommy's lecture.
7.Made another cup of coffee.
9.Prayed that God stops me from hurting them.
10.Prayed that God changes their hearts about 'raslin'.
Now I am on "El Guapo" typing this on my blog.......
still to upset to go to bed, and the coffee isn't helping.
Thank you Lord for my family!!!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Wow, so busy!
A lot has been going on here. Mostly doing the Lord's work involving a fellow Christian. Long story, but so far GOD HAS IT!
After a month's vacation, we started our school routine again. I have become a tad more strict lately, since I realized I had become the "DOORMAT MOM".
They don't like me very much at the moment, but we accomplished a great deal today. As a free educational tool for President's Day, I took advantage of The Presidents shows on the History channel. I regret one thing, that I didn't take the time to watch it with them. I used the opportunity to catch up on some housework, and every 10 minutes or so I would pass them by and ask what they have learned about each particular president.
Now they know that President Garfield was not a Cat who loved Lasagna!
And that a certain President was a homosexual!
Maybe not all very factual information.
Be careful what you allow, cause it can come back and bite you!
After a month's vacation, we started our school routine again. I have become a tad more strict lately, since I realized I had become the "DOORMAT MOM".
They don't like me very much at the moment, but we accomplished a great deal today. As a free educational tool for President's Day, I took advantage of The Presidents shows on the History channel. I regret one thing, that I didn't take the time to watch it with them. I used the opportunity to catch up on some housework, and every 10 minutes or so I would pass them by and ask what they have learned about each particular president.
Now they know that President Garfield was not a Cat who loved Lasagna!
And that a certain President was a homosexual!
Maybe not all very factual information.
Be careful what you allow, cause it can come back and bite you!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
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