I must say I am not surprised by the latest developments in LA's public schools. Guns,knives,pepperspray,deterioration of the public school environment,the lack of self control, and the banning of God.
Just to name a few.
These add to why I homeschool.
Thank You,Lord for helping me in every step of homeschooling.
Thank You for giving me courage to stand up for what I believe You want for our family.
Praise you for always being with us, even though we don't deserve you.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Baby donations
I just found this really cool website that has a list of hospitals who take donations for baby items. Yes Children's hospital of New Orleans is on there. Check it out at CARE WARE
I think this may help some people to find a hospital closer to them. Thank you all for helping.
I think this may help some people to find a hospital closer to them. Thank you all for helping.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
The sweater mistake
With my aversion to measuring or trying things on as I go, I have made a really Huge sweater.
I used one of those pattern generators that you find on the internet. I really don't know what I am doing. It is supposed to fit a size 3 or 4. I don't know what size it is, I think my husband could use it as a boat cover...... realllllly BIG! I thought something was strange when I had to start another "pounder" skein. But not paying attention and just knitting along I really did myself in. Not just BIG.... really really BIG. 95 inches across the Bust..Before adding button strips.
I cannot stress this enough. I thought maybe I would finish it anyway just in case someone might fit it , but I really don't want to insult anyone.
In the end I am going to take it apart and try something else.
I should just stick to quick items like baby caps and blankets.
I still am not sure how this latest blunder came about I guess it has something to do with gauge. I don't need no stinking gauge...LOL . I am too cockey for my own good.
I used one of those pattern generators that you find on the internet. I really don't know what I am doing. It is supposed to fit a size 3 or 4. I don't know what size it is, I think my husband could use it as a boat cover...... realllllly BIG! I thought something was strange when I had to start another "pounder" skein. But not paying attention and just knitting along I really did myself in. Not just BIG.... really really BIG. 95 inches across the Bust..Before adding button strips.
I cannot stress this enough. I thought maybe I would finish it anyway just in case someone might fit it , but I really don't want to insult anyone.
In the end I am going to take it apart and try something else.
I should just stick to quick items like baby caps and blankets.
I still am not sure how this latest blunder came about I guess it has something to do with gauge. I don't need no stinking gauge...LOL . I am too cockey for my own good.
Take this homeschooler quiz.

What Type of Homeschooler Are You?
Mr. Potato Head You have your ideal of how things should look, but youre flexible enough to allow for change. You are not bothered by changing methods, mid-course if necessary. You use an eclectic combination of curriculum sources. Visit my blog: http://www.GuiltFreeHomeschooling.blogspot.com
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What Type of Homeschooler Are You?
Mr. Potato Head You have your ideal of how things should look, but youre flexible enough to allow for change. You are not bothered by changing methods, mid-course if necessary. You use an eclectic combination of curriculum sources. Visit my blog: http://www.GuiltFreeHomeschooling.blogspot.com
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Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Coffee cups

I have a few blog posts that I read every day.
Silja's is one of them. On her blog today she suggested that we show off our favorite coffee cups.
I do not have a favorite cup, anything as long as it has coffee. I did bring one cup with me when we left for Katrina. I drank coffee out of this cup all day everyday for 4 months. It is just plain White with a white handle. Nothing special. I will never forget that little piece of home away from home. Unfortunately the said cup is still at Mimi's house.I left it there as a reminder when I go there of how far we have come.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Bless you Boys!
Even though our New Orleans Saints didn't win the game against the Bears. We all still love them. I couldn't imagine life in N.O. without them. They played their hearts out. Bless you Boys, try again next season!
Friday, January 19, 2007
Obituary for Common Sense
Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who
has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was,
since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He
will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as:
Knowing when to come in out of the rain;
Why the early bird gets the worm;
Life isn't always fair;
and Maybe it was my fault.
Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend
more than you can earn) and reliable strategies (adults, not children,
are in charge).
His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned but
overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a 6 -year- old boy
charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended
from school for u sing mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for
reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.
Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the
job that they themselves had failed to do in disciplining their unruly
children. It declined even further when schools were required to get
parental consent to administer Tylenol, sun lotion or a band-aid to a
student; but could not inform parents when a student became pregnant and
wanted to have an abortion.
Common Sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments became
contraband; churches became businesses; and criminals received better
treatment than their victims.
Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a
burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault.
Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to
realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot spilled it in
her lap and was awarded a huge settlement. Common Sense was
preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust; his wife, Discretion;
his daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason.
He is survived by his 3 stepbrothers; I Know My Rights, Someone Else Is
To Blame, and I'm A Victim.
Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone. If
you still remember him, pass this on.
We may never fully comprehend what we have lost until we have no more lose.
has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was,
since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He
will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as:
Knowing when to come in out of the rain;
Why the early bird gets the worm;
Life isn't always fair;
and Maybe it was my fault.
Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend
more than you can earn) and reliable strategies (adults, not children,
are in charge).
His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned but
overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a 6 -year- old boy
charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended
from school for u sing mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for
reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.
Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the
job that they themselves had failed to do in disciplining their unruly
children. It declined even further when schools were required to get
parental consent to administer Tylenol, sun lotion or a band-aid to a
student; but could not inform parents when a student became pregnant and
wanted to have an abortion.
Common Sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments became
contraband; churches became businesses; and criminals received better
treatment than their victims.
Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a
burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault.
Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to
realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot spilled it in
her lap and was awarded a huge settlement. Common Sense was
preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust; his wife, Discretion;
his daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason.
He is survived by his 3 stepbrothers; I Know My Rights, Someone Else Is
To Blame, and I'm A Victim.
Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone. If
you still remember him, pass this on.
We may never fully comprehend what we have lost until we have no more lose.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Children's hospital contact information
In my efforts to get Children's hospital of New Orleans to post information about donations of Knitted or Crochet baby items, I have been somewhat unsuccessful. Here is the address
Children's Hospital
200 Henry Clay Avenue
New Orleans, Louisiana 70118
(504) 899-9511
info@chnola.org (Development Department)
They need preemie blankets 15x15 or larger.
Baby caps and other accesories are also accepted.
They will accept only Baby "soft" items. No items made out of wool, as this is too scratchy for the preemies.
Washed without fabric softener.
I like to store these in ziploc bags, it is easier to keep sets together.
Someone informed me that some preemies heads are really no bigger than your fist, just to give you an idea.
I would suggest that you send these items directly to Children's Hospital. As I do not want anyone to feel they were screwed in another "Katrina Scam".
Thank you all for everything that you are willing to do for Our New Orleans Babies.
If sending something to the hospitals (they all need help with baby items) in New Orleans seems too difficult. Try making things for hospitals in your area.
Bless you all.
Children's Hospital
200 Henry Clay Avenue
New Orleans, Louisiana 70118
(504) 899-9511
info@chnola.org (Development Department)
They need preemie blankets 15x15 or larger.
Baby caps and other accesories are also accepted.
They will accept only Baby "soft" items. No items made out of wool, as this is too scratchy for the preemies.
Washed without fabric softener.
I like to store these in ziploc bags, it is easier to keep sets together.
Someone informed me that some preemies heads are really no bigger than your fist, just to give you an idea.
I would suggest that you send these items directly to Children's Hospital. As I do not want anyone to feel they were screwed in another "Katrina Scam".
Thank you all for everything that you are willing to do for Our New Orleans Babies.
If sending something to the hospitals (they all need help with baby items) in New Orleans seems too difficult. Try making things for hospitals in your area.
Bless you all.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
GO! SAINTS,GO! We are getting closer to being on top than ever before. LA really needs this boost. Go boys, go! Congrats on the win!
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
knitted baby sweaters
I usually try simple quick items. This time I am trying sweaters. Not so quick.
One very cute baby sweater down and One left to finish. This was my first attempt at a knitted baby sweater. I love that it is all in one piece.
I ordered those mini in the round needles some people have been chatting about.
The jury is still out on this.
I am going to finish my second sweater now. With the mini's on the sleeves.
One very cute baby sweater down and One left to finish. This was my first attempt at a knitted baby sweater. I love that it is all in one piece.
I ordered those mini in the round needles some people have been chatting about.
The jury is still out on this.
I am going to finish my second sweater now. With the mini's on the sleeves.
Schooling after break
Yahoo! We so far we are having a successful homeschooling week.
My cousin A, has also started homeschooling her son. I guess I am not that crazy after all for choosing to homeschool. You hear that W yes I am realising homeschooling is the way to go!
We still have awful days but most of them are really productive. I find myself in teacher mode most often than not. Scary huh!
I still have not heard from Children's Hospital about donations. I will have to contact them again.
My cousin A, has also started homeschooling her son. I guess I am not that crazy after all for choosing to homeschool. You hear that W yes I am realising homeschooling is the way to go!
We still have awful days but most of them are really productive. I find myself in teacher mode most often than not. Scary huh!
I still have not heard from Children's Hospital about donations. I will have to contact them again.
Saturday, January 6, 2007
Mardi Gras Again!!!
It's almost Mardi Gras here in New Orleans, Feb 2nd I think. I could just skip the whole thing. Too much chaos for me.
I say this and yet we are going to a parade on Saturday. This depends on the weather of course. This parade should be small, only 12 floats, and we get to hang out with my Mimi. It passes right in front of her house on Metairie Road. Mimi has been a great Aunt as well as a great friend. Of all of the people in my life that make my day better, she is at the top of the list. Next to my Mother of course.
We were blessed to have very generous family members. For 1 month after K we stayed in my Father in law and Mother in law's motor home. She had to have treatment for C so she was elsewhere. But my father in law let us stay with him in the motor home, 2kids, 3 adults, 1 dog. We were very comfortable, all things considered. We all got along well.
When we returned to the N.O. area, Mimi was generous to let us stay at her house.
Even with the over crowding,I was very happy to be there. Quite honestly I did not want to come back to N.O. In the end we did and we survived. Still have a few broken windows that need repairing, but I am not climbing up there. They have to be repaired from the outside, I was told. Sooner or later, Maybe this year.
Enough of that.
Still no letter from Children's Hosp. If you are really curious they have an email
info@chnola.org I do believe.Forward it to the Development Department.
I say this and yet we are going to a parade on Saturday. This depends on the weather of course. This parade should be small, only 12 floats, and we get to hang out with my Mimi. It passes right in front of her house on Metairie Road. Mimi has been a great Aunt as well as a great friend. Of all of the people in my life that make my day better, she is at the top of the list. Next to my Mother of course.
We were blessed to have very generous family members. For 1 month after K we stayed in my Father in law and Mother in law's motor home. She had to have treatment for C so she was elsewhere. But my father in law let us stay with him in the motor home, 2kids, 3 adults, 1 dog. We were very comfortable, all things considered. We all got along well.
When we returned to the N.O. area, Mimi was generous to let us stay at her house.
Even with the over crowding,I was very happy to be there. Quite honestly I did not want to come back to N.O. In the end we did and we survived. Still have a few broken windows that need repairing, but I am not climbing up there. They have to be repaired from the outside, I was told. Sooner or later, Maybe this year.
Enough of that.
Still no letter from Children's Hosp. If you are really curious they have an email
info@chnola.org I do believe.Forward it to the Development Department.
Thursday, January 4, 2007
I really miss the ladies of CCNG. Since homeschooling this year, I have not been able to attend meetings regularly. I contacted our editor about our not having a web site, and donations and this is what transpired.
We donated some preemie hats and a couple of blankets to Childrens Hospital before Christmas. Gayle was asked if we could make some preemie blankets. CCNG had made many before Katrina. I put the demensions in the Jan. newsletter. Also in the two years before Katrina CCNG had given Ronald Mcdonald House a number ofquilts, two of which they auction at one of their events. I took 3 baby hats, 5 childrens and two adult hats to Ronald McDonald House on December 23rd. I had talked to the donations person when I made arrangements to take the donation from the ANG chapter. She told me they had some families that could use them. You could barely walk in her office a it was so crammed with bags of donated items! Our group are very giving with their handiwork! We have days when we tie quilts members have made the quick and easy way on their sewing machines. Those meetings are alot of fun, alot of laughter. The quilts have gone to several different groups in the past.You should have seen us making preemie blankets! Nita brought her serger, Rhea and Neva brought embroidery machines. Two other members and I cut out blankets, Nita hemmed, Rhea and Neva embroidered a Disney figure on one end and 4 others tied off the threads. A regular production line! We turned out 35 blankets that day, of course Nita had several hemmed before hand and I had cut out five or so at home. We are hoping to have another day like that soon.
Hope to see soon.Lou
Lou explained to me that most of the ladies are elderly and not computer savvy, so they don't feel the need for a website at this time. Maybe we can change that!
On another note I just discovered a new program on HGTV--Knitty Gritty it comes on at 10 central time, you may have to check your area for the listings.
I will keep you posted on the donation info when I recieve it.
We donated some preemie hats and a couple of blankets to Childrens Hospital before Christmas. Gayle was asked if we could make some preemie blankets. CCNG had made many before Katrina. I put the demensions in the Jan. newsletter. Also in the two years before Katrina CCNG had given Ronald Mcdonald House a number ofquilts, two of which they auction at one of their events. I took 3 baby hats, 5 childrens and two adult hats to Ronald McDonald House on December 23rd. I had talked to the donations person when I made arrangements to take the donation from the ANG chapter. She told me they had some families that could use them. You could barely walk in her office a it was so crammed with bags of donated items! Our group are very giving with their handiwork! We have days when we tie quilts members have made the quick and easy way on their sewing machines. Those meetings are alot of fun, alot of laughter. The quilts have gone to several different groups in the past.You should have seen us making preemie blankets! Nita brought her serger, Rhea and Neva brought embroidery machines. Two other members and I cut out blankets, Nita hemmed, Rhea and Neva embroidered a Disney figure on one end and 4 others tied off the threads. A regular production line! We turned out 35 blankets that day, of course Nita had several hemmed before hand and I had cut out five or so at home. We are hoping to have another day like that soon.
Hope to see soon.Lou
Lou explained to me that most of the ladies are elderly and not computer savvy, so they don't feel the need for a website at this time. Maybe we can change that!
On another note I just discovered a new program on HGTV--Knitty Gritty it comes on at 10 central time, you may have to check your area for the listings.
I will keep you posted on the donation info when I recieve it.
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Hat donations
I have contacted our Children's Hospital Development Department @ (504)896-9375.
They do indeed need baby items donated. They ask that they be items made only with soft yarn, baby yarn, or soft material. I asked them to send me an email pertaining to this, as soon as I recieve this I will post it on my blog for all to see. It may take a few days. I didn't catch the lady's name, but she was very nice, and she assured me that they always need donations. So ladies and gents craft away.
Some of the items that I have made may not be soft enough so I will have to donate them to the Ronald McDonald house down the street. Yes they take donations too.
They do indeed need baby items donated. They ask that they be items made only with soft yarn, baby yarn, or soft material. I asked them to send me an email pertaining to this, as soon as I recieve this I will post it on my blog for all to see. It may take a few days. I didn't catch the lady's name, but she was very nice, and she assured me that they always need donations. So ladies and gents craft away.
Some of the items that I have made may not be soft enough so I will have to donate them to the Ronald McDonald house down the street. Yes they take donations too.
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
index card pattern keeper
I love to knit and crochet on the go. Pretty much anywhere I can do it, I will do it. Except church of course, but that doesn't meen I don't think about it.
To make it easier on myself, I started using index cards- The ones with the spiral attatched.
I just make a copy of whatever pattern I need and mini it, then tape it with clear tape to the front and back of the index card. I have 1 almost filled full of projects on the go. I love it. Just an idea.
To make it easier on myself, I started using index cards- The ones with the spiral attatched.
I just make a copy of whatever pattern I need and mini it, then tape it with clear tape to the front and back of the index card. I have 1 almost filled full of projects on the go. I love it. Just an idea.
I have every intention of homeschooling today, but with a week long vacation this will be interesting.
I don't understand why the public school students have off until the 5th of Jan. My kids so far havent' caught on. We are schooling.
It is 12:34pm and so far the kids are cleaning their room. I can't promise that today will be productive. This has been interesting. Homeschooling for the most part is really easy and fun, but the discipline sometimes can be exhausting. The boys are slowly coming around to my way of thinking.
While the boys are busy I have been working on some baby caps and blankets. I am almost finished a knitted blanket. Knitting takes so much longer than crochet.
Well it is lunch time and I have to drop everything just to feed the kiddies.
I hope everyone has a much more productive day than me.
I don't understand why the public school students have off until the 5th of Jan. My kids so far havent' caught on. We are schooling.
It is 12:34pm and so far the kids are cleaning their room. I can't promise that today will be productive. This has been interesting. Homeschooling for the most part is really easy and fun, but the discipline sometimes can be exhausting. The boys are slowly coming around to my way of thinking.
While the boys are busy I have been working on some baby caps and blankets. I am almost finished a knitted blanket. Knitting takes so much longer than crochet.
Well it is lunch time and I have to drop everything just to feed the kiddies.
I hope everyone has a much more productive day than me.
Monday, January 1, 2007
Happy New Year
I pray that all of you have a great New Year. We are staying home. I will be making cabbage with pickle meat and potatoes. I will make black eyed peas for the kids. Lets just say we will be very bloated for the New Year....
Have a Great Year!
Have a Great Year!
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